Data Breach

“In their world, IT Security is first then staff have email and they believe UAC should be the same way.” – Jacques Latoison

The Hierarchy Email to UAC C-Suite Management

PST files expose government agencies to security and compliance risks, with sensitive data liable to roam local workstations, removable media, and network shares with broad permissions. Has UAC self-reported to the grants that they are out of compliance?
The Caucasian IT vendor that Jacques dislikes for being white informed me that the FBI was called in regarding a “potential” breach involving ARC in January 2022. However, UAC did not notify the FBI when their DEI IT vendor experienced issues. Jethro Bodine can’t even spell “breach,” let alone report one.

Good luck engaging with slippery Jacques. Latoison pulls a wifey five minutes into every meeting then pulls a Houdini πŸ‘»for weeks. Every family member gets in a rear-end ⛐ collision when a deliverable is due, trees 🌳 topple on various family members’ homes like it is the πŸŒͺ️Wizard of Oz. His grown-ass kids with 5 kids of their own get a tummy 🀒 ache and a case of the squirts πŸ’© requiring Dr. Fauci’s team of specialists to be summoned to the πŸš‘ ER. Sometimes we thought he claimed Jesus recalled the same person to the pearly gates twice. πŸ™πŸ™ Truth! We had a spreadsheet of all the excuses and the number of claims Jake at State Farm, ObamaCare, and the Undertaker must have been processing.

This case is still listed as “under investigation”. The person who reported it still has not been paid, and it appears UAC is retaliating further against the individual who made the report. The legal goons are demanding the evidence be destroyed and now Crum & Forster has identified themselves as his legal team.
Link: Data Breaches Under Investigation

Why did Arun and Satterthwaite cooperate with Jacques Latoison in not reporting this to the FBI? Philly hunger relief group Philabundance had just lost nearly $1 million in a cyberattack. Who the hell are Jacques’ lawyers? He hired LegalZoom to send cease and desist orders to cover up his embezzling paychecks.


Somehow, Jacques Latoison kept forgetting I am a hated Caucasian. When an EDP user phoned that CareWare was popping up on their portal, I alerted the user to let Carlos know. EDP was supposed to be on their server. After this rage against the Caucasians, I received another rant about #CaucasianRic and some Caucasians he hated at PHMC (Philadelphia Housing Management Authority). Latoison publically ranted that UAC was unfair to him, claiming they pay Caucasians first.

UAC signs a Medicaid Certification Program Income form. The Hierarchy is responsible for CareWare. I believe Medicaid would be interested to know The Hierarchy has embezzled the workers’ paychecks and fired an employee, partly for refusing to continue working for free to support CareWare on a server that she believed was not HIPAA compliant. Jacques Latoison claimed there was no money to pay the worker for supporting CareWare, but we know Latoison πŸ€₯πŸ€₯ lies like a rug.

Has Anybody Seen the Executives’ Emails and Files?

Where are the Server 4 emails and backup, which Latoison claimed Putin destroyed?
There is no record of its demise being reported to the FBI.

Would you trust your company’s EMails to Jacques Latoison who:
– Claimed the Russians destroyed his entire EMail server and its backup.
– Refuses to report emails being hacked.
– Sends passwords directly to Hotmail, Gmail, AOL, and Yahoo emails without encryption.
– Laptops in the offices can have guest log-ins so everybody can share.
– Sends passwords via email to Black Cipher Security cybersecurity  🀑🀣
– New user account passwords never need to be changed.
– Expiring web passwords offer the option to “Use the button below to continue with the current password.”
– Uses weak passwords and shares admin passwords.
– Admin passwords stored in Word documents.
– HR laptops do not go to sleep or turn off or lock when the laptop screen is closed.
– No confidentiality agreement on contractors or family members being paid
under the table.
— Still running MS Office 2016 on RDP because older apps have not been upgraded.
– Ineffective offboarding of fired employees leaving email open until the user signs out or the email server is booted. Fired workers have had access to their email for 8 hours.
– Contractors are required to use their personal computers.
– He embezzled his contractor’s pay and demanded confidential information be copied to jump drives and mailed to his company PO Box, which was returned as undeliverable.
😬🀑🀣🀣 Failed to recognize his own client’s phishing test declaring Vladimir Putin had attacked his email server again 😬🀑🀣🀣

One of the funniest pathetic moments at UAC was when Sharmain downloaded an attachment clearly from a spammer that infected the entire joint with malware. She needs to stick to a fountain pen and paper.

Failure to report a Data Breach

“Government contractors and other recipients of government funding are accountable for violating cybersecurity requirements and placing government data and security systems at risk. Federal rules and obligations attach to federal funds, even where those funds are first passed through state governments.” **

  • knowingly provide deficient cybersecurity products or services;
  • knowingly misrepresent cybersecurity practices or protocols; or
  • knowingly violate obligations to monitor and report cybersecurity incidents and breaches.

Urban Affairs Coalition refused to provide the programmer with an industry-standard Business Associate Agreement to memorialize obligations concerning Protected Health Information under the requirements of HIPAA and relevant implementing regulations, including the Privacy Rule, the Security Rule, and the Breach Notification Rule. Does UAC have a business associate agreement with The Hierarchy, ODAAT, and SELF employees who handle PHI data?

Reference: Cyber Security Article

Per the latest demands of Crum & Forster’s cease-and-desist demands, the reporters and the law firm that the whistleblower contacted have been notified to turn over the information provided to them. HHS has also been notified to turn over the HIPAA PHI report submitted on 8/22/2023 by the whistleblower. The DOL has been notified.
I need to prepare an invoice to Crum & Forster for their SOW – now over 40 hours and no end in sight. Thank you for your business. Due upon receipt, just like your invoices.

Philadelphia Alerts Public to Recent Data Breach

You can look up HIPAA violations affecting more than 500 people on the HIPAA Wall of Shame website. Smaller violations like the HIV Testing breach out of AACO are not listed.

The City of Philadelphia issued a notice on October 20, 2023, reporting a security breach from May 26 to July 28, 2023. In June 2023, the programmer expressed concerns to UAC C-suite managers about a potential breach involving PHI (Protected Health Information) data in the back end of CAREWare. It wasn’t until the programmer contacted HHS on 8/22/2023 to report that CareWare patient data might be involved that action was taken. JProg has been notified. The Amerisource Bergan IT team has also been notified.

The CAREWare database is used by One Day at a Time (ODAAT). AIDS patients get a pass to the ODAAT Food Bank. Something seems amiss with The Hierarchy charging $1,950 monthly to store the CAREWare backend on its SQL Server and fees of $100 per hour to apply upgrades. Latoison said that #CaucasianRic IT vendor, Provident Technology, was unjustly awarded the CAREWare business. Provident is also charging $3,748 monthly for ODAAT hosting. Latoison said his friend Mel Wells, ODAAT President and UAC Board Member, wants The Hierarchy to have the entire ODAAT contract. The only issue is a woman named Jennifer who “forced her way in”, requesting lower hosting fees, standing in their way.

🚩🚩I was told not to enter my hours supporting CAREWare.
UAC supported Jacques Latoison in forcing a person to work for free.🚩🚩

New email users of UAC receive their login IDs and passwords via email to their Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, and other less secure email accounts. These passwords do not comply with industry standards, and frequently, the emails end up in the spam folder. Why are login credentials being sent to personal email accounts that might be shared with family members? Additionally, why is the programmer’s industry-standard random password generator application not being utilized as presented to the UAC auditors? The Hierarchy password protocol and procedures are the same ones used in 2010. πŸ¦–


Arun Prabhakaran pays this ass-clown $500,000 annually. Crum & Forster is insuring this uncredentialed vendor. Who at Crum & Forster signed this insurance policy? Some boomer executive who writes their passwords on sticky notes on display during Zoom meetings? Who the hell is using NetScape? That was shit-canned in 2008.
Good luck explaining this level of carelessness, Crum & Forster when the next “brEEch” happens.

Imagine the Remote Desktop applications are the 2016 version in the year 2023.